Showing posts with label Economic recession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Economic recession. Show all posts

Global economic recession will help local economic index growth

One of the main problem with increasing population and problems with the global warming was a point to change the global economic system

the things that started by Russia - Ukraine war and China America political challenges. This become a big problem for the people of the world and this is a start point for changing the world political and economical face.

United States faced lots of economical problems and this result as a economic recession. This will impact global technology corporations with international services and products, but in short term it will help local economic sectors to experience growth and find more resources to trade in the local zones.

Global economic recession will help the local businesses to growth and find lots of opportunities to penetrate through the local markets with out need to compete or face with the Dumping strategies.

This is a start point for the local business growth and finding resources and things that might help the local entrepreneurs to growth and find more material and resources.

Short review to the classic definition of Economic recession


Economic recession, always known by increasing the prices, decreasing financial turnover and economic problems for the people, but what is the classic definition for Economic recession in the markets.
An economic recession is a significant decline in economic activity spread across the economy, lasting more than a few months, normally visible in real GDP, real income, employment, industrial production, and wholesale-retail sales.
During an economic recession, people will experience the need to work more and this makes the markets dynamic and active after a few months and years.

Short note about What happens during an economic recession?

 Economic recession have different meanings and signs and symptoms based on the modern infrastructures of money and banking of one society.

Economic recession happens by governmental regulatory organization in response to the changes of people's behavior in the market. economic regulators organizations in each country have permission to control the prices and market by changing the economic index under control of central banks .

Economic recession classic definition is when the economy's performance decreases for an extended period of several months or some time years, marked by GDP contraction in official financial records, higher unemployment rates and lower consumer spending. During a recession, people may experience significant impacts on their daily lives.

This is the thing that makes a national economy or global economy in recession mode. During economic recession, economic indexes and infrastructures are experiencing a fast change to improve the values and structure of the market for a healthy, dynamic and competitive market.

Dubai Luxury Real Estate market under economic recession pressure

 Dubai as the heart of the United Arab Emirates has become one of the luxury destinations for the wealthiest people of the world. Luxury mansions, Penthouses and Towers, all are making Dubai a beautiful luxury destination for wealthy people.

COVID19 lockdown did a big damage to the global economy and the primary signs of economic recession shined. Yemen militants threatening to attack Dubai become another risk for investors. Iranian Nuclear program and military threat in the Persian Gulf become another risk for all luxury real estate investors.

During the last 5 years, UAE faced a series of challenges by Saudi Arabia and the political pressure for supporting US Sanctions against Iran.

Environmental and climate change also become another serious problem for Dubai to support citizens in the hot weather of Dubai. Water height is now a serious threat for the near beach mansions and villages. All of these have become risky for investors and now, Economists predict that the Dubai Real Estate market is under economic recession pressure.

Series of Anti immigration laws, economic recession, political challenge in the Persian Gulf and economic revolution in the global community become big challenges that now threaten the Dubai Real estate market. 

Global economic recession and Russia's invasion of Ukraine made Dubai compete with Turkey for Russian and Ukrainian immigrants. but UAE Hot weather and laws, remove Dubai from the luxury immigrants destinations. 

UAE challenges with militancy groups in Yemen and their problems with following the US Sanctions rules, made them weak in the ultra competitive environment of the Luxury Real estate market. 

Expensive cost of Luxury estates and the daily prices of services make Dubai mansions a wrong economic decision for long term investment. This is for the first time in the last decade this wealthy country is facing economic problems that threaten their political existence in the luxury real estate market. 

The price of life in Dubai has become very expensive and now, UAE immigration programs and supportive services make this country in challenge with this luxury lifestyle. Luxury life in Dubai with super sport cars and hot weather needs to use expensive technologies, expensive life styles and this expensive services made Dubai governments facing big challenge with this issue that this will be a destructive behavior against UAE Future, because water resources are limited, laws are against Petrol engines and energy resources are changing by new technologies. 

Electric cars are a big threat against Petrol engines and Petrol technologies. They need a long Electricity network that is a big challenge for Dubai because of Hot weather. 

Financial records and statistics of Dubai shows that these issues have now become a big challenge for the UAE government and they should look for a new modern change or they will face a big challenge in the global community and climate change. 

Luxury real estate in Dubai has become Ultra risky and now we need a strategy to solve this problem.UAE programs for controlling environmental changes are growing slow and this is a big challenge that economists call it: Economic Recession!

Porsche under pressure of economic recession and energy revolution in Europe

 Porsche, known as a street super sport producer in Germany faced big challenges for 2022.

Porsche models always are in demand in the market and Famous models such as 911, Carrera GT, Macan, Panamera, Cayenne and Boxster made a good income for this Dutch corporation, Porsche corporation faced a big challenge by starting point of COVID19, The thing that forced this company to slow the process and decrease the size.

This challenge continues by Chinese copying production that made a copy of the Porsche model in the normal sedans, the thing that made a big damage to this car industry in the world. Challenges continued by different issues such as laws and climate changes that forced countries to use new standards for car production.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine by February of 2022, was a point for the Porsche corporation to make a big revolution in design, technology and philosophy. Russia used oil as Gas as a political leverage to control European countries' response and this made the price of fuel fly in Europe. 

Changing laws and making environmentally lovely technologies become viral, and Porsche now has a challenge to make a revolution in its industry. Using electricity as a power and changing the philosophy of design. The thing that is a danger for Porsche design language. This is the first time that Porsche faced a series of challenges and now the Porsche CEO's mission is to handle the problems and make a new way for Porsche in the new world order and modern world, or this brand will be removed from the market by competitors such as Tesla. 

Global economic recession and changes under the global economic system, Impacts Porsche sales statistics, the thing that in the long term needs new strategies.

Porsche's response to the Energy revolution and changes, was an electric car called Tycan. Energy technology revolution, environmentally lovely laws and new demand for electric cars under economic recession become a new mission for Porsche.

The big question is, Will Porsche follow the new world order or They will become a part of history.

Artificial intelligence and economic recession

 Economy is a complex game of statistic, numbers, data and behaviors. Successful investors tries to access information sooner than others to find the best opportunities and change the money to the best form for making money.


Artificial intelligence and economic recession

Artificial intelligence is a series of algorithms that try to predict one elements amount by analyzing financial records and statistics. Today, Artificial intelligence become heart of entrepreneur's projects. Artificial intelligence control the Robots, traders bot, analyzing the markets, analyzing stocks and stock exchanges market, Understanding NYSE and NASDAQ market changes and everything that can be calculated are target by Artificial intelligence.

Today, Russia invasion of Ukraine, China threaten for Taiwan and economic problems made a big economic recession through global economy. The thing that is a big challenge for investors, but there is always a solution, and Today's solution for achieving more profit from markets is to using artificial intelligence to analyze Financial reports. 

Today Artificial intelligence helped government and financial organization control the data and react to them by regulatory forces and laws. Artificial intelligence made a big change in the world of Economic recession and helped the Directors and investors manage their wealth and cap in the markets.

Entrepreneurs challenge with crowd funding 2022

 Entrepreneurship culture helped new technologies and startups growth very fast. They are full of new ideas that failed and success multiple times.

Global economic recession made by Russia's destructive policy become a big challenge for entrepreneurship culture all around the world.

Today, accelerators hub are facing big financial problem to financing new projects, new ideas and new groups, the thing that made Entrepreneurship growth slow in modern communities such as United States and Israel.

Entrepreneurship culture NOW is facing a big problem by economic recession, Crowdfunding process is hard and now investors are decreased in novel technological markets. The thing that is a danger for future of entrepreneurship culture.

Russia's policy for internet censorship cut global connections with the novel tech industries in Russia and this in short term impacts global entrepreneurship environment.

Angel investors prefer to invest in food industries and this is a big challenge for the future of high tech industries. Accelerators are facing big chaos in financing projects and this is a big challenge for the future of dynamic economic model.

Luxury watches market's under economic recession pressure 2022

 Watches are one of the most money making market all around the world, Luxury watches made a ultra money making niche in this market that have it's own customers from billionaires to the millionaires. 

They want a unique design with unique material to show their wealth in one seconds to the customers. They always will look for a limited version products that impress the eyes by a blink of an eye. 

Today, Luxury watches market experience a decrease in all sectors, the thing that is result of global economic recession and under this economical pressure, little brands with limited products are near to close.

Producers prefer to enter to the jewelry industries and changing the sector with high customer sectors. but still an average salary for a luxury watches sale man in Unite states of America is about 250.000 US Dollar per year. 

France economic recession and challenges with energy resources

 France, known as a political and economical power in the Europe is facing a big challenge with energy resources.

Russia's policy for using Oil and Gas as a political leverage for controlling the European responses to the military invasion of Taiwan was a start point for continues challenge for French people.

Banning wheat exports also threaten the Frances food industries and food prices flies in the French market. European challenge with Russia to decrease the economical and political penetration of Kremlin through economical infrastructures made financial problems.

Global economic recession also impacts Paris and now this is a big challenge for France.

5 Reasons You Can Blame the Recession on Russia Economy

 2022, Was a year full of global challenge for every countries and every political group all around the world. Multiple COVID19 lock down and challenges with China's policy against Global community.

Global economic recession become one of the reason people all around the world experienced Food inflation rate and economic problems. Here is 13 reasons you can blame the recession of Russia economy.

NO.1: Russia's invasion of Ukraine by February 2022

Kremlin's dream for making Soviet Union alive again was a start point for Russia's invasion of Ukraine that made a big geopolitics change in the Europe economic and military structures. Russia used all political and economical leverage to control the condition in short term.

NO.2: Russia's oil and gas sanctions against European countries.

Global response to the war crimes in Ukraine was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy. in response, Russia used oil and gas market as a political leverage to control the condition and stop NATO ally growth in Europe in short term.

NO.3: Russia's policy for banning wheat exports from Ukraine Sea terminals.

Russia used food and Ukrainian Sea terminals as a political leverage for food terrorism and using it to control the global responses against Russia's war in Ukraine. The thing that made food price flies and in short term destroy chain of supply.

NO4: Russia's Atomic threaten against United Kingdom.

During the primary season of Russia's war against Ukraine, United Kingdom support Ukraine with high tech short range missiles against Russia's tank and military forces, the thing that made Russia's military in a heavy damage in short term. This become a big challenge for Russia, so Kremlin used Poseidon Nuclear missile as a political and military threaten against UK Governments for stopping them from supporting more. This made an emergency condition that in short term forced the people to save the food and necessary goods that result increasing the prices and economic recession.

NO5: Russia's military threaten against Sweden and Finland.

Russia's policy for stopping NATO Ally growth in Europe was a military threaten against Sweden and Finland. the thing that forced them to decrease the speed of political change and in short term changing the strategies that cost expensive for Governments. This was a start point for increasing the prices for European countries and as a result: Economic recession.


US Biotech industries challenge with economic recession for 2022

United States of America known as a pioneer in the Biotechnology industries in the global ranking have a big challenge for 2022. Economic recession symptoms are shining step by step in the US Economy and Federal reserve as a main economic regulator of US do it to control the inflation rate. 

Now the big challenge for the US Biotechnology industries is that they should decrease the size and costs for 2022 to stand against US Economic recession.

The thing that in short term is a challenge for the Biotech CEOs to control and monitoring the companies R&D projects and a big challenge for the future high tech products. 

Another economic challenge for United States Biotechnology industries is China's Espionage program for copying US High tech biotechnology patents and data.

The thing that make Global competition hard for United States.

The other factor that will impacts US Bio technology corporations is that Political and economical polarization impacts on the chain of Supply and damage strategic nodes for resources and primer material of US Factories and corporations. 

The thing that is a big threaten against Continues production in the US.

US Entrepreneurship culture is still alive during August 2022 economic receession

 United states of America is facing a big economical challenge in the global community. Russia and China economic ally resulted with a shared currency against US Dollar that is a big threaten against US economic power.

China program for starting a military conflict against Taiwan also become another risk for US investment in Electronic industries, but an exciting statistics about the US business environment is that 528000 job created by July 2022 during economic recession.

This is the first time US showed that economic recession can not stop United States economic power and China's threaten against free world economies impacts differently as what economists predict for the US.

This is the result of US powerful Entrepreneurship culture that during the economic recession this statistics officially revealed by governments.

Natural Decoration: an economic solution for the economic recession period

 Statistics and financial reports, showed that primary signs and symptoms of economic recession started globally.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine and China - US military conflict accelerate this process in short term. but Home, Decoration and designing materials, is one part of happy life that everyone search for it. 

During the economic recession, it's hard to find financial resources for repairing home or buying a new decoration, so what is the best economic solution for Decoration in the economic recession period? The ultimate answer is that, natural Decoration! mean using natural free resources from nature is the best economic solution for having a beautiful decoration in the economic recession period and making homes beautiful with less cost, time and energy.

It known as a green economic solution that even you don't like your decoration you will take it back to the nature for free green economic recycle.

Game industries strategy for economic recession

 Global economic statistics shows symptoms and signs of economic recession. Global community faced big challenges from War, pandemic and big social chaos that is out of control

Global warming and big damages to the Supply chains, impacts every companies in the world, Game industries and entertainment industries also face the economic challenge these days.

Game industries strategy for economic recession and the future military conflict between US and China will be interesting, Economists predict that they will try to make the Nostalgic technologies alive again, an economic game console for all people with less cost, less energy and popular because of brands and dreams. 

The best solution for the game industries is to make the previous models with 2D animation technology alive again and keep the companies and technologies alive until the end of Economic recession periods.

Economic recession, Traders and risks

 Traders through different markets make an economic cycle to keep the industries active and dynamic. Different platforms let's traders to do statistical analysis and fundamental research for investing. 

But Today's the economy have a big challenge for them. economic recession through global community is a big threaten against investors all around the world. the thing that traders recognize it as a risk for the markets growth in August of 2022. 

Crypto Market faced capital flight signs and now there is a big challenge with stock exchange from NYSE, NASDAQ and TASE. 

All of these markets shows instability in the growth and statistics the thing that is a threaten for the shared markets.

United Kingdom economic recession countdown for 2022

 United Kingdom as power country in the west Europe these days experience a big economical challenge that made by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and political conflict in Europe.

Brexit was a big risk for this country and made UK out of European countries risks and challenge. But this has a negative impacts on the Political position of UK in the global community.

Economists recognize these political changes soon will impacts UK money and banking system and UK will experience economic recession in all sectors.

The thing that now, UK Economic recession countdown started for 2022. A big risk for the future of Britain in the global community.

Shocking fact about Hollywood and economic recession that will change your life

 One of the greatest and powerful entertainment industries in the world is Hollywood that by COVID19 pandemic faced big challenges.

US Biggest entertainment industry now is facing another big challenge called, Economic recession.

Statistics shows that this is a shocking fact about Hollywood and economic recession that will change your life, That in a new world we will face reality and movies and animations will have less impacts on our life. 

Meta verse as a solution tries to simulate the world of animation, but there is a big challenge in graphic and quality and connection millions of users with each other.

It seems that golden period of Movie theater and shows is near ending and new technologies and platforms will replace with movies only because of economic recession and the reason budgets are decreasing.

American economic recession and global security

 United States of America, is one of the pioneer and leader of free world economies. the thing that made US a pioneer in military technology. but in 2022, there is a big challenge made by Communism block. 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a big point for the human history that become a big global security risk for every one and every countries.

Russia's failed policy lead to the economical and political failed in a short term, the thing that forced Russia to start an economic ally with China and introducing a new currency against US Dollar.

Federal reserve as an economic regulatory organization in the USA decide to control the inflation by series of economical and political decisions.

The thing that made US economy in recession mode and will force companies and brands to decrease the size. 

This is a big challenge for military technology and high tech industries in US for developing technologies and security protocols. This is an opportunity for China and Russia to use this economic recession as a tech leverage and political leverage to develop new military technologies. 

The thing that in Long term will become a big security risk for global security.

Shocking fact about Investors challenges with US Economic recession in 2022

 Investors all around the world are facing big economical challenge from COVID19 and security risks made by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

This is a big shocking fact about investors challenge with US Economic recession in 2022, that today all financial markets are in danger. Crypto market has no financial support any more and the biggest capital flight from this market is near. US Economic recession will make a big challenge for investors in new technologies, high tech industries, startups and tech corporations. 

Entrepreneurs challenge with US Economic recession.

 United States of America is facing one of the biggest economic recession during last decade.

As a leader of free world economies Now, US Economic power is in danger by Russia China economic ally for introducing a new currency against US Dollar.

This is a big challenge for the future of world that US is facing economic recession in all sectors.

One of the most important sectors that is basic of every aspects and industries of United States, are entrepreneurs.

US Entrepreneurs are in danger of Economic recession and they are facing big challenge with this for crowd funding or receiving financially support for developing new technologies and startups.

This is the first time in last decades, Big brands and companies are decreasing the size of employee, products and services.