Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Russia's Energy weapon against Europe 2022

Russia's program for closing Gas terminals and energy resources to European countries makes these countries a big challenge. This is the first time energy chaos makes Europe in danger.

The Kremlin's policy for long term war in Ukraine and making political and economical pressure on European countries to stop them from answering by military response become a big challenge and Now Europe is under a big energy surgery that may change the world's face for next decades.

Europe now is facing big challenges with this revolution and they have a unique response, Electricity and electric cars! 

For a time in history, European cars and Auto industries concentrated on electric engines and made a series of electric cars that have high tech engineering. European strategy for the long term is risky and now the prices are increasing for gas and energy resources in Germany, France and other European countries.

This is a big start for industries and startups to introduce new resources, new technologies and services for less air pollution. Russia's policy will really impact European countries' style and UK BREXIT now shows itself as a genius solution for exiting the European challenge from Russia.

The big challenge in this political, military and economical war is that Russia will not stop by achieving Ukraine, they will have a roadmap for making the Soviet Union Dream alive again.

Russia's energy weapon will change the political face of Europe and it seems that for a long time Europe was under the monitoring of Russia's intelligence service to make sure about the details of this war. 

This is a big revolutionary start point for the political and economical face of Countries in the world. This political game will change the people's lifestyle and the face of homes, energy, technologies and the future of humanity.

Russia Germany political conflict about Oil and Gas for 2022

 Russia's economic invasion of Ukraine was a start point for military conflict between Russia Germany political conflict about energy, policies and economy.

Global community response to the war crimes in Ukraine was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy and banned access of them from SWIFT. The thing that banned Russia's Central bank from accessing hundreds of Billion Dollar foreign resources in the world.

Russia's political leverage for returning back to this market was heavy energetic sanctions and forcing the European countries to pay the price by Russia's national currency. A big economical and political challenge for Europe to control the trade volume with Russia.

Also inflation rate hit 200% and the capital flight happened in Russia and Russian oligarch left Putin alone. a big political strike in short term for Kremlin.

Russia started using controlled political pressure by banning access of Germany to the Gas and Oil resources to force them not take action against Russia.

A start point for the series of political conflicts about oil, gas and energy resources that may create a revolution in European technology for using energy.

Russia's economic invasion of Germany

 Russia's military invasion of Ukraine was a start point for the world war 3 that is threatening all the people all around the world. Global community response to this war crime was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy in short term.

The result was painful and biggest capital flight of history happened, Big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia and inflation rate hit 200% in short term.

So Russia started ordered economy structure to control the society for the mid term. Russia's response to the Europe sanctions and a political leverage for returning back to the global community was using oil and gas as a political and energy leverage. But this policy failed by a group working in Europe and Now Russia's oil and gas system faced a big challenge for finding new customers.

In other hand Europe is facing a tragedy to control the Gas and energy resources to stand against Russia's policy against Europe. 

Russia continued with using Energy, Oil, Gas and product sanctions and tries multiple economical solutions to control the Europe response against invasion of Ukraine. Russia banned Germany from accessing Gas and this was a start for economic invasion of Germany and made Germany under economical and political pressure to find a solution for this purpose.

This will be a start point to make a revolution in all industries and find a new energy resources or changing technologies and life style to protect the country from Russia's economic invasion.