Showing posts with label US Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label US Economy. Show all posts

United States economic recession under surgery of modern technologies

 United States of America experience a big economic recession in 2022 that impacts all sectors and corporation in this big economic power.

United states faced challenges in Russia's invasion of Ukraine and in other hand Chinese anti US policy in the east. the thing that make US in the global pressure for providing primary material and tech for the US Factories.

Block chain technology is a solution to make big changes through a community of networks and systems and make sure about the dirty money washing. Block chain become a solution to have more face of human societies in the world.

United States economic recession become a big challenge for the politicians and economists to solve the problem by a social based solution called block chain. the technology for having currencies in the digital world and use it in the physical world.

Short review to the culture of Angel investors for 2022

 Angel investors, are heart of

 Angel investors are the heart of entrepreneurship culture and startups in modern countries. High tech industries, Startups, novel technologies and new brands act very competitive when Angel investors enter millions of dollars to the risky ideas that really target new services or products.

Today, one of the absolutely successful ways for investing and profit from free capitals in the markets, is to act like an angel investor and enter the money to the new evaluated ideas that try to enter to the markets and need an investment to accelerate the process.

The new market is now under control of angel investors that act as an accelerator or an investor in the market and get a share from a good idea. Soon new ideas will act powerfully in the market and everything will be under control of angel investors who risk their profit and capitals.

This cycle is accelerated by governmental laws that support investors, accelerators and startups. The thing that the United States and Israel, money and banking system fully adopted with this culture.and support entrepreneurs for a long time.

The thing that helped entrepreneurship culture be alive and make new ideas, new technologies . This is the primary definition and sign of Dynamic healthy economy.

Economy and America

Economy and America


Economy is a complex relationship of the people, banks, governments and organizations. Economic power index is related to the novel technologies and services, productivity, chain of supply and the governmental support for creating a product.

America as a leader and partner of free world economies is the first rank power in the global ranking. US economic power, Let's national currency to become an international language of trade between countries in the world. Today Oil and Gas market are under control of US Dollar.

All markets are handling by US economic power and decisions. Financial regulator organization in US become a reference for global economic decisions and this made US a center for entrepreneur and technology hubs.

Entrepreneurship culture and Governmental support made United States of America a power that has the top economic penetration rate through other countries economical system.

Democracy and freedom is the main point of US Economy and made it one of the powerful and dynamics market in the world. US policy for guiding money to the new technologies by investment strategies such as Stock market and accelerators hub, made US heaven of entrepreneurs.

America as a pioneer and leader of risky innovative technology made a big change in the world and today guide the world through the freedom and democracy, the thing that made communism block to response and start war in the world.

United States policy founded based on the creating high tech industries and novel technologies for all people all around the world. The thing that made US pioneer of technology. This policy show itself in the financial records revealed annually by Federal reserve and Central bank of America.

Today, all countries all around the world follows the US Federal reserve for making sure about US Policy in the global economy. The thing that act as a global economic regulatory that impacts Countries Central banks and financial organizations.