Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Money. Show all posts

US Luxury life styles under economic recession pressure for 2022

 Having luxury life with luxury cars and Mansions are very expensive. There are lots of business holders that earn millions of Dollar and love to experience a luxury life, A luxury castle or Penthouse.

The US Luxury Life styles

Driving a VIP Luxury yacht or having a golf yard for yourself is also exciting, but all of them needs millions of Dollar per month. They all need services, employee and the services that sometime the prices made you to rent them or dream it.

Global economic recession by 2022 and Financial chaos through global economies made by Russia, made a stressful condition that wealthiest people prefer to change their lifestyle until stability of economies market.

Money and banking systems are experiencing challenges with crypto currencies and Russia China economic ally for introducing a new currency is another challenge for the investors to how to save their monies.

Everything is under economic recession pressure and the people need new solutions for saving money in mid term and long term.

But How economic recession will impacts luxury life styles? 

This is a very good question that need a wealthy money mind to understand it. It's important to understand mansions, penthouses and luxury estates are always in demand, They are one of the profitable niche of investors and they have a hot market every where.

This is the way wealthiest people save their money from governments, and the wars, because luxury estates are the last thing that threaten in the wars and global economic recessions. They are always on touch and under cover of insurance so, if any military invasion happen in the future, the insurance corporations will pay for it.

Luxury yachts are free and they can change their flag and nationality with less than few weeks. There are lots of private beaches, estates and castles all around the world that can help you hide your million dollar yacht for decades and when everything get calm, you can take it out again and enjoy from luxury life.

Luxury brands and watches, Arts made by Gold are always expensive and costs more than usual. the thing that made them wanted every where and they can use a a currency for trade and financial communication between people, because there is no limitation, no tax and everything can be trade very fast. 

This is the way that helped, Wealthiest people escape from Taxes, Economic recessions, problems and everything.

High voltage Engineers income for 2022

high voltage engineers income for 2022


 High Voltage lines are one of the important economic infrastructures we always need for having modern cities, internet, technologies and making home warm and using computers. 

These high Voltage stations are full of dangerous and risks for engineers. The thing that made this job an opportunity for job seekers all around the world.

Today, High Voltage engineers in California of America have income about 150.000 US Dollar that is a high income for an engineer.

Climate change, economic recession, Russia's energy game and accidents make them wealthy by controlling, monitoring, designing and optimizing high voltage stations to make sure about electricity power security for 2022.

It seems that United States during next decades have problems with electricity infrastructures and they will need more high voltage engineers that support the electricity network.

Global economists predict that Electricity will be the next revolutionary energy resource for the future world and This is the thing that made, Engineers thinking about entering to this job or investing in high voltage industries for 2022.

Investing in High voltage industries is a good response to the Russia's policy for threatening global security with energy, oil and gas and Europe will need to develop electricity power as a next generation of clean energy resource for the future generation.

Luxury watches market's under economic recession pressure 2022

 Watches are one of the most money making market all around the world, Luxury watches made a ultra money making niche in this market that have it's own customers from billionaires to the millionaires. 

They want a unique design with unique material to show their wealth in one seconds to the customers. They always will look for a limited version products that impress the eyes by a blink of an eye. 

Today, Luxury watches market experience a decrease in all sectors, the thing that is result of global economic recession and under this economical pressure, little brands with limited products are near to close.

Producers prefer to enter to the jewelry industries and changing the sector with high customer sectors. but still an average salary for a luxury watches sale man in Unite states of America is about 250.000 US Dollar per year. 

Russian Startups challenge with Economic recession for 2022

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine by February 2022, was a start point for the biggest capital flight in the Russia, Russian oligarch left Kremlin alone and inflation rate hit 200% in short term.

Global community response to this military invasion was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy. Money and banking system banned from accessing SWIFT. Big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia and this was a big challenge for Russian Startups.

Russian startups challenge with global economic recession for 2022, was full of problems and chaos that forced them changing their strategies. Moscow's policy for controlling social dissatisfaction was using internet censorship, fake news and ordered economy model.

The thing that forced entrepreneurs left their startup ideas and doing local business. Internet censorship was a heavy strike to the Russia's online business that destroy their position in the global ranking.

Don't Waste Time! 5 Facts Until You Reach Your Startup

 Starting a business and growing an idea to a money making business is a dream that make everyone motivate for starting an startup. but there are big myths and believes you should know it before start developing your idea as a business.

Number 1: You will face Financial problems! 

Starting a startup need money and financial supports from a team or an investors. Loans from Banks are dangerous things that threaten your capital and your mental health during doing your business. So before starting a startup, calculate and trust available financial resource that can help you grow and only program your startup for them, if the result is good, OK Continue! 

Number 2: You will face Bad People, Competitors and Industrial espionage! 

Doing a business and making money is a great dream, but you should know that there is no red carpet and you are entering to the economical war with the competitors, with previous business and with wealthy people that do the business differently, So they may make problems, Start an unhealthy competition or some time doing Industrial espionage from your patents, job, work or model. 

Number 3: You will face Governments, Regulators, laws, Tax and documents

You want to start your business and make money, It's food, but you will face big challenge called, GOVERNMENTS! If you want to do your business, you will need to have a lawyer as a consultant and some profession near you to negotiate for you with regulators, monitoring systems, laws, paying taxes and completing long documents and then, one day you become wealthy, then some people will complain and you need to have a strategy! 

Number 4:  You need to be a warrior not an entrepreneur! 

For having a powerful startup, you need to be a warrior not be an entrepreneur.

You should start fight with yourself, with negative messages, with negative comments, with negative minds. This is the routine you may visit them 2 or 5 times a day.

Number 5:  Always improve your way, like a Formula one Driver! 

Starting a new business based on the new idea is like driving a formula one Super car! You need to improve yourself and your team every minute, every hours, every day. This is a big risk for you that if you delay the process of improvement based on statistics, financial records and financial reports, profession consultant, you will failed very bad, so Improve your way second by second under monitoring of professions.

China Russia Economic ally, Hidden risks for Russia's economy

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a big risk for global security and global community to this war crime was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's money and banking system. 

Inflation rate hit 200%, capital flight happened and big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia. Russian oligarch left Putin alone and qualified brands left Russia's market. 

This become a big challenge for Russia for short term to suppress social dissatisfaction and control the society with ordered economy. so Kremlin decided to start an economic ally with China for standing against Free world economies policy.

The primary step was replacing Chinese companies with Qualified brands and the second step was introducing a shared currency and money and banking system. 

But this economic ally has lots of risks for Russia's future and Russia's economy.

China policy to get a share from market basket is always based on the Copying, dumping and industrial espionage. The thing that made China a big threaten for the future of Russia , because there is a big challenge that China Zombie Economic policy will eat every resources and natural wealth of Russia in short term, the thing that recognize as a dangerous risk for China Russia economic ally.

These hidden risks threaten the existence of Kremlin politics man for next decade, because China's policy to penetrate to all sectors will remove Russian entrepreneurs, technology and corporations . the thing that is a threaten for Russia's technological, economical infrastructures.

China Economic invasion of Russia: Risks and challenges for Russia's economy

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a start point for heaviest sanctions of history that paralyzed Russia's money and banking system. Russia banned from accessing global trading system called SWIFT. 

Biggest capital flight of history happened and big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia. the thing that show it self with increasing inflation rate, capital flight and closing big industries such as car industries in short term. 

Kremlin solution for controlling social dissatisfaction and handling economy, was using ordered economy, internet censorship and fake news. but in mid term, the big challenge is to replace a new chain of supply for Russian needs in the next 3 years

Also Russia's oil and gas industries, faced big sanctions that fully threaten all economic infrastructures and investors in this market. 

Russia's solution for solving this problem in short term was a bad idea to replace high qualified brands with Chinese brands and this was a start point for China economic invasion of Russia. The next step is to creating a money and banking platform for monitoring, controlling and handling the transactions between two countries.

The thing that is high risk economic ally for Russia, because China always known as an economic zombie that will eat all economic infrastructures with series of strategies, from dumping to the copying industrial design.

Now this become a big threaten for Russia's economy, a big challenge that has no way to future, except peace with Europe and returning back to the global community. For this purpose, Putin should stop Soviet Union dream, and stop war in Ukraine and pay the damages, the thing that is not available now and this mean that Russia will face the big challenge for the future.

The thing that threaten technology infrastructures and companies, brands and the future of Russia's children.

How passive income will change your life ? 2022

 Passive income is one of the online money making solution for the new graduated students, entrepreneurs, businesses and the people to concentrate on different markets. 

The big challenge for passive income through internet is that you should know about the structures, SEO, Affiliate marketing and strategies to make more money. But passive income is a good solution to run multiple projects, parallelize jobs and income and make more money and more profit in different niche.

Passive income will change your life because you will need to communicate more, and find new opportunities, new customers, new methods and new advertisers and then by a click, thousands of customers will visit your website and an economic revolution will happen in your life.

How saving money in the Seattle will change your life ? Short note

Hello everyone.

One of the biggest challenge for young investors is to save money, Seattle state, as one of the states of United States of America is home of near 750000 people of US Citizens. The thing that made this state unique is Washington DC and accessing a large beach in the West of America.

Today, If you can save a good money in this states, you can start your business, your startups, and changing your life, you only need to know about the money and banking system and how to receive a loan and then invest it, or how to make money online or from other ways and then invest it in a profitable niche. Understanding, How saving money in the Seattle will change your life, is an important part of your way to set Goals and work with the money you earn.

There are Thousands of blog, education, online course for making money online, but your challenge is that, You! You need to work on your self and develop your education, your abilities and communication skills to achieve a good business and financial turn over and then invest it and save it for a better life in future.

This is the key to become wealthy and healthy and enjoying life, you need to make a cycle of money making and then this can help you achieve success and happiness.

How crypto changed our world's economic infrastructures ?

Crypto market based on the block chain technology changed global limitation for trade and transferring money for under sanctions countries.

This made Crypto an exciting market for all countries and investors all around the world, Soon hundreds of Crypto revealed and they changed our economic infrastructures.

But now economists recognize this market as a big threaten for the global security and safety because big companies use Crypto for anti sanctions purpose or Tax escape.

This is a big challenge in the future of this market that threaten the investors money and future. 

Crypto market response to Taiwan China military conflict 2022

 Crypto market as one of the pioneer exciting market for investing during last 4 years, now face a big challenge from governmental sides, exchange corporations and big challenge with the China Taiwan military conflict in the future. 

The thing that is a big challenge for the future of investors in this sectors and soon Central bank of countries in association with Tax laws will stand against this under encryption market to control the money and ban anti sanctions and criminal purposed financial transaction through this network.

By the way, China Taiwan military conflict is a big threaten against the Crypto network and may damage this networks and make them a big security risks for security and safety of internet globally.  

This is a big challenge for the future of investors and make this sector risky for next 6 years

Facts about Cryptocurrencies that will really change your life

 Cryptocurrencies used blockchain network to transfer money through the network, but the challenge is that they need an exchange, they need a physical node to connect to the physical world.

You can not track the money through the network because every thing encrypted

You can not find where does your money go, because there is no official information about these networks

They are a threaten against national security and need to be manage by central banks and IMF to make sure about cleaning money.

These are the facts that might change your life when you know them about investment in Crypto coins !

Money, Investment and challenges with news

 Today when we review the news articles on top news agencies we found that they have a big challenge with giving information to the people .

They have lots of information and their analyst needs official information, but today's market does not control by true information, It's under control of fake news and the signal sellers! 

This investment Formula will change your life and make you wealthy

 Hello my friend,  I was reading about investment method and the way Jewish invest with their wealth that I found that They have a simple investment formula that make them wealthy.

They divide their money to 3 parts: 

one part for Buying home, real state and apartment

one part for Gold, Diamond and jewelry

and One part for their job they are doing in the physical market. 

It seems that this investment formula will change your life and make you wealthy . The secret revealed by American Jewish that I love them.