Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Europe. Show all posts

Turkey Syria military conflict: advantages and disadvantages

 Turkey is programming for starting a military invasion against Syria to control this country. This military conflict have costs, benefits and disadvantages that we will have a short review about it.

Turkey said, They are looking for a place for returning Syrian immigrants to their home and know it as a policy for controlling immigration.

This military conflict is against Russia's policy in middle east and made Syria Oil and gas resources available for Turkey and then Europe, The thing that will damage Russia's energy market in mid term and long term.

This will decease communism block penetration through middle east and its a defensive layer against Iranian military threaten against Israel.

This will be a positive point for making Turkey a political and economical power in the middle east and will remove Saudi Arabia from energy market. 

In the next step Saudi Arabia energy market will be threaten by China US military conflict.

All of these will made New Order world for controlling world better.

US Economic recession and the future of investing in startups

 US Economic recession for 2022, become a big challenge for crowd funding campaign and investors. In other hands, Crypto market threaten the investors money in mid term. China Taiwan military conflict is near and this become a big threaten for the US Economy. Russia's Energy sanctions against Europe made this country paralyzed and now they are facing big challenge. 

Investors preferred to invest in guarantied sectors such as Gold and oil and gas industries and now Crypto markets and startups become risky sectors for the accelerators hub and investors.

Economists recognize this as a big threaten for the future of US high tech industries.

This is a big challenge for the future of investing and new technological sectors in the United States.

Energy market revolution by Russia's sanctions in 2022

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine by 2022 become a big challenge for the European countries, but economists recognize it as a start point for the energy market and energy technology industries revolution for 2022.

Russia's oil and gas sanctions against European countries become a big threaten against all sectors that the only solution for continuing with industries is to change the energy technology and resources.

Economists know that as a revolutionary point for European technology companies that achieved by Russia's energy sanctions against Europe industries.

This will be a threaten, a big one for Russia's oil and gas industries.

Europe solution against Russia's energy sanctions : Green Economy

 Hi every one. 

Today we are facing big challenge about the Russia's invasion of Ukraine and new pandemics such as COVID19 and MonkeyPox virus.

This is a very big challenge that threaten global economy and newest sanctions against Europe by Russia become a big challenge for supplying energy and gas for the winter.

The thing that can make a big challenge in long term. But Europe solution against Russia's energy sanction can become a big revolution in energy resources and type of technologies.

Europe can use Green Economy and cycled economy to stand against Russia's sanctions in long term. the thing that will make Europe more powerful than before.

Europe Russia political conflict on Energy

Europe weakness in the global policy is energy resources, the thing that is a big threaten against Germany and France industries and GDP index.

Brexit was a big strike to the Europe Economy and the next step is Russia's political leverage to make pressure on Europe politically and economically.

The thing that is a big danger for economy, freedom and democracy in Europe.

This big challenge now become a big danger for the future of human and Russia is using all political, military and economical leverage to make the Soviet Union dream alive again, the thing that is a big threaten against ethical values and humanity on the earth.