Showing posts with label Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Regeneron Pharmaceuticals. Show all posts

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals and economic recession for 2022

 Global community is facing a big threatens against freedom and democracy. Russia's invasion of Ukraine and China military threaten against Taiwan made a big economical pressure on the free market policy .

Russia's policy for using oil and gas as an energy leverage to control the global community responses made another energy challenge for biotech corporations such as Regeneron Pharmaceuticals.

China multiple COVID19 lock down damages chain of supply for primary materials. The thing that in short term become a big threaten against Biotech corporations.

It seems that during next 5 years global economic recession and political pressure on international brands, will made these brands decreasing the size of employees and products.

The thing that is a big threaten against share holders and investors.