Blockchain, freedom and economy

 Block chain technologies made a big revolution through human life, thousands of computers by algorithms and encryption codes, are handling people's trade through a hidden network of millions of computers. 

Block chain made Crypto an exciting market for investors during last 3 years and gift them sense of freedom, but the truth is that Crypto Currencies worked based on the gambling machine, 

Crypto Currencies are a big danger against healthy economic and it become an economical leverage for under sanctions countries.

It seems that next movement through the block chain technology will be a threaten for freedom and money and banking systems that governments should ban access of it.

Russia's Political leverage for returning back to the global community

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine started by February of 2022, Global response to this war crime was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy.

Russia's money and banking system banned from accessing global trading system SWIFT. Biggest capital flight of history happened and Big brands and companies exited from Russia's market.

Kremlin forced to use ordered economy and internet censorship for controlling social dissatisfaction.

Europe started heavy sanctions against Russia's oil and gas market and this costs to Russia very expensive. Russia's political leverage for returning back to the global community was an economic ally with China by introducing a new currency against US Dollar. The thing that act as a big threaten against free world economies. 

Russia used Gas as a political leverage for returning back and international trade system between European countries, but Europe political decision to ban Russia's oil and gas made Russia's policy failed.

Biotech: A key to the future of investment

 World is changing very fast, Big security risks threaten all markets and pandemics viruses and bacteria are threatening social immunity.

Crypto Market is experiencing one of the biggest capital flight in the history and now healthcare is important for the people.

After Crypto market fail down and the biggest tragedy for the crypto currencies, Stock exchanges markets become more active to absorb investors and investment resources for achieving profit.

Biotech industries, are always money making and investors for mid term and long term achieve a million dollar profit from this market because of patents and technologies. Biotechnology corporation whom working on Anti Aging and longevity absorb billions of dollar in crowd fund campaigns. The thing that now made these stocks in the market hot for next decade, because next decade, is decade of green economy and healthy life style.

Anti Viral pharmaceutical products: A key to the future investment

 One of the most money making industries and economic sectors that is exciting for investors all around the world stock market, is Anti Viral pharmaceutical products that help decreasing national bio security. This will make social immunity against Viral pandemic such as COVID19 and MonkeyPox pandemic.

Today, there are lots of submitted patents and FDA approved anti viral agents by companies that can be used in next virus based pandemic.

This can be an opportunity for the next target of capitals that flight from Crypto market and may change the future of investors in the stock exchange markets all around the world.

American economic recession and global security

 United States of America, is one of the pioneer and leader of free world economies. the thing that made US a pioneer in military technology. but in 2022, there is a big challenge made by Communism block. 

Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a big point for the human history that become a big global security risk for every one and every countries.

Russia's failed policy lead to the economical and political failed in a short term, the thing that forced Russia to start an economic ally with China and introducing a new currency against US Dollar.

Federal reserve as an economic regulatory organization in the USA decide to control the inflation by series of economical and political decisions.

The thing that made US economy in recession mode and will force companies and brands to decrease the size. 

This is a big challenge for military technology and high tech industries in US for developing technologies and security protocols. This is an opportunity for China and Russia to use this economic recession as a tech leverage and political leverage to develop new military technologies. 

The thing that in Long term will become a big security risk for global security.

Chinese Startups financial problems 2022

 China During COVID19 pandemic used zero COVID19 policy. The policy that lock down cities for making COVID statistics zero or near zero. 

The thing that was a big damage to China's economy and chains of suppliers all around the world.

This become a big challenge for startups in China, and now there is a big damage to the Chinese startups because of Communism policy and now Chinese startups collapse countdown started

The thing that is a danger for next 10 years of China high tech industries. The thing that made Chinese startups financial problems a lot in 2022

Crypto market capital flight for 2022

 Crypto market based on the block chain technologies now is facing big challenges. Russia's China economic ally for introducing a new money and banking system and a new currency is a big threaten against USD.

Crypto networks now are under monitoring of central bank of America and global governments now response to this market to stop it from developing as a unique financial transaction system.

The system for under sanctions countries to trade through a secure encrypted network .But global economic recession and Russia's invasion of Ukraine impacts this market and now Crypto market experiencing one of biggest capital flight for 2022. Investors are exiting from this market and now This is a big challenge for the investors how to handle their investment and how to continue with this market for more profit.

Shocking fact about Investors challenges with US Economic recession in 2022

 Investors all around the world are facing big economical challenge from COVID19 and security risks made by Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

This is a big shocking fact about investors challenge with US Economic recession in 2022, that today all financial markets are in danger. Crypto market has no financial support any more and the biggest capital flight from this market is near. US Economic recession will make a big challenge for investors in new technologies, high tech industries, startups and tech corporations. 

Entrepreneurs challenge with US Economic recession.

 United States of America is facing one of the biggest economic recession during last decade.

As a leader of free world economies Now, US Economic power is in danger by Russia China economic ally for introducing a new currency against US Dollar.

This is a big challenge for the future of world that US is facing economic recession in all sectors.

One of the most important sectors that is basic of every aspects and industries of United States, are entrepreneurs.

US Entrepreneurs are in danger of Economic recession and they are facing big challenge with this for crowd funding or receiving financially support for developing new technologies and startups.

This is the first time in last decades, Big brands and companies are decreasing the size of employee, products and services.

Shocking news about Nancy Pelosi flight landing in Taiwan that will change the world's life

 Hi everyone. Today 2 August of 2022, there is a big day in the history of human and now, US Flight with Nancy Pelosi landed in Taiwan airport. A big tragedy for the future of earth. 

As China threaten they will start a military attack by Nancy Pelosi travel to Taiwan and Now this is an Ultra shocking news that we heard that Nancy Pelosi airplane landed in Taiwan.

This is a big tragedy and a start point for world war 3. A big start for new Challenge for China, politically, economically and military! 

What will happen, politician are waiting for China Response!

Nancy Pelosi Flight landed in Taiwan August 2022

 China Taiwan military conflict countdown is near than any time from before. 

China threaten to military attack to Taiwan and now Nancy Pelosi flight landed in Taiwan to show the US power in global security and politics. 

It seems that China will flash back and stop threatening the Taiwan because of US military power and Taiwan partnership with free world economies.

This is a big challenge for China to stand against US Power

US Economic recession and the future of investing in startups

 US Economic recession for 2022, become a big challenge for crowd funding campaign and investors. In other hands, Crypto market threaten the investors money in mid term. China Taiwan military conflict is near and this become a big threaten for the US Economy. Russia's Energy sanctions against Europe made this country paralyzed and now they are facing big challenge. 

Investors preferred to invest in guarantied sectors such as Gold and oil and gas industries and now Crypto markets and startups become risky sectors for the accelerators hub and investors.

Economists recognize this as a big threaten for the future of US high tech industries.

This is a big challenge for the future of investing and new technological sectors in the United States.

Fashion industries economic recession countdown for 2022

 Fashion industries are one of most money making industries in the world, but Now after COVID19 pandemic and China zero COVID Policy that corrupt supply chain, these industries are facing big problems with Federal reserve financial decision as a reference of Financial decision in the United States.

Fashion industries will face economic recession in 2022 and this is a big challenge for these companies to decrease the size to control the brand and the profit for 2022.

This is a big challenge for new brands in fashion and journal activists of this industries all around the world. This is a big challenge for them to handle this economic condition.