Bitcoin, a big risky investment in August 2022

 Crypto Currencies market faced big challenges by Governments, Central banks of countries, The people, the investors and the social markets.

Global economic recession also impacts on this market and signs of capital flight from this market make the prices unstable in mid term.

It seems that BitCoin is a big risky investment in August 2022 that now global response to this market will fall down the price.

China Taiwan military conflict also will impacts this system because lots of Bitcoin miners and networks are under risks of banning internet in Russia, China and Taiwan. 

Top Trending news about Taiwan on August 2022

 China is programming to start a military invasion of Taiwan. 

China is moving military vehicle, latest Ultra sound missiles and make all military units ready in the east of Asia.

United States will be supportive for the Taiwan and this is a big tragedy for the Taiwan Citizens. 

Nancy Pelosi travel to the Taiwan was a start point for the China military threaten against Taiwan governments. 

4 August of 2022, become a furious day for Taiwan and China in the history because of China's policy to threaten the free world economies.

Russia's economic invasion of Germany

 Russia's military invasion of Ukraine was a start point for the world war 3 that is threatening all the people all around the world. Global community response to this war crime was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy in short term.

The result was painful and biggest capital flight of history happened, Big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia and inflation rate hit 200% in short term.

So Russia started ordered economy structure to control the society for the mid term. Russia's response to the Europe sanctions and a political leverage for returning back to the global community was using oil and gas as a political and energy leverage. But this policy failed by a group working in Europe and Now Russia's oil and gas system faced a big challenge for finding new customers.

In other hand Europe is facing a tragedy to control the Gas and energy resources to stand against Russia's policy against Europe. 

Russia continued with using Energy, Oil, Gas and product sanctions and tries multiple economical solutions to control the Europe response against invasion of Ukraine. Russia banned Germany from accessing Gas and this was a start for economic invasion of Germany and made Germany under economical and political pressure to find a solution for this purpose.

This will be a start point to make a revolution in all industries and find a new energy resources or changing technologies and life style to protect the country from Russia's economic invasion.

Why China should stop threatening US by military invasion of Taiwan?

 Taiwan is one of the strategic partners of free world economies with leadership of United States of America. For the first time after a long period China economical invasion of all countries by dumping, copying industrial design, Now China is standing for showing military power in east Asia.

But there is a big challenge with US Military technologies that is a big threaten for China military and army.

If China want to start a war against Taiwan, this is a start fire for the world war 3, a big challenge that will threaten millions of the people's life all around the world.

This is a big threaten for the global economy, global security and global safety.

Money, Crypto and economic freedom

 Money is an important factor for controlling social power and relationship and the price of products and services through one society. 

Money is under control of Governments and money and banking systems,

Crypto is a new market based on the new concept for the money, mean, asking for virtual value based on the social request that based on the gambling system make profit for the investors.

For the primary concept, it will give the person global economic freedom, but in the reality, There is a big challenge with virtual networks out of control of government that they are a big challenge for trade and there is no gate for them to enter to the real world.


Email marketing challenge for entrepreneurs in 2022

 Email marketing is still one of the profitable marketing solutions for the businesses and brands, but there is a big challenge for this solution, 

Spamming, privacy laws, Email platforms laws and accessing email banks that are compatible with the customers niche.

This is a big challenge how to absorb our customers as an email target. 

Entrepreneurs, sometime will face the challenge that Email platforms recognize there name, brands and emails as a spam and harmful content that threaten there customers privacy.

So, Its important to have a great strategy for email marketing in 2022, because this marketing solution is full of technical, competitors challenge.

Entrepreneurs challenge for 2022, Reaching more profitable audience

 Making money online, is one of the best solution for achieving more profit, more success and more opportunities.

But in 2022, online competition become a big challenge for new comers and they should compete with big brands in the online markets. 

Entrepreneurs challenge for 2022 to start an online business is to reach more profitable audience, and for this purpose they need statistics about their customers, geographical place, age and how they react with their online service or products. 

This big challenge is threatening their budget for investing on advertising and this is a big tragedy for making money online  to guide suitable visitors and returning them to the customers of our products and services.

Ads services, is a solution and the best solution is creating an affiliate system for our products and services, the thing that will change the future of online business and is one of the profitable niche in online marketing that limited to the big online industries such as  Google ads and other ads services.

The suitable visitor is whom that can read, react and buy the product or service in less time because of his or her needs. 

This is a big challenge entrepreneurs to choose the ways, the customers and the future of their business on the online space.

China Economic invasion of Russia: Risks and challenges for Russia's economy

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a start point for heaviest sanctions of history that paralyzed Russia's money and banking system. Russia banned from accessing global trading system called SWIFT. 

Biggest capital flight of history happened and big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia. the thing that show it self with increasing inflation rate, capital flight and closing big industries such as car industries in short term. 

Kremlin solution for controlling social dissatisfaction and handling economy, was using ordered economy, internet censorship and fake news. but in mid term, the big challenge is to replace a new chain of supply for Russian needs in the next 3 years

Also Russia's oil and gas industries, faced big sanctions that fully threaten all economic infrastructures and investors in this market. 

Russia's solution for solving this problem in short term was a bad idea to replace high qualified brands with Chinese brands and this was a start point for China economic invasion of Russia. The next step is to creating a money and banking platform for monitoring, controlling and handling the transactions between two countries.

The thing that is high risk economic ally for Russia, because China always known as an economic zombie that will eat all economic infrastructures with series of strategies, from dumping to the copying industrial design.

Now this become a big threaten for Russia's economy, a big challenge that has no way to future, except peace with Europe and returning back to the global community. For this purpose, Putin should stop Soviet Union dream, and stop war in Ukraine and pay the damages, the thing that is not available now and this mean that Russia will face the big challenge for the future.

The thing that threaten technology infrastructures and companies, brands and the future of Russia's children.

Russia's Capital flight 2022

 Capital flight is one of the biggest tragedies in front of governments, countries and the politics systems in the world.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a start point for global response to this war crime and heavy sanctions against Russia's money and banking systems. The thing that paralyzed Russia's economy and forced Kremlin to run ordered economy model to control the condition in short term.

Investors, entrepreneurs, big businesses and big brands exited from Russia and the biggest Capital flight of history happened in Russia.

Oligarch made Putin alone and transfer billions of Dollar to other countries banking systems. Big brands replaced with Chinese brands and technologies for short term social dissatisfaction control, but another challenge is: China economic invasion of Russia that will shock Russia's natural resources, companies and entrepreneurs.

Russia's Capital flight in short term, was a big damage to Russia's economic infrastructures that will shock the people and governments in mid term.

A big risk for the political and economical future of Russia in History. because sanctions are targeting every aspects of Russia's industries, economies and businesses.

How passive income will change your life ? 2022

 Passive income is one of the online money making solution for the new graduated students, entrepreneurs, businesses and the people to concentrate on different markets. 

The big challenge for passive income through internet is that you should know about the structures, SEO, Affiliate marketing and strategies to make more money. But passive income is a good solution to run multiple projects, parallelize jobs and income and make more money and more profit in different niche.

Passive income will change your life because you will need to communicate more, and find new opportunities, new customers, new methods and new advertisers and then by a click, thousands of customers will visit your website and an economic revolution will happen in your life.

How saving money in the Seattle will change your life ? Short note

Hello everyone.

One of the biggest challenge for young investors is to save money, Seattle state, as one of the states of United States of America is home of near 750000 people of US Citizens. The thing that made this state unique is Washington DC and accessing a large beach in the West of America.

Today, If you can save a good money in this states, you can start your business, your startups, and changing your life, you only need to know about the money and banking system and how to receive a loan and then invest it, or how to make money online or from other ways and then invest it in a profitable niche. Understanding, How saving money in the Seattle will change your life, is an important part of your way to set Goals and work with the money you earn.

There are Thousands of blog, education, online course for making money online, but your challenge is that, You! You need to work on your self and develop your education, your abilities and communication skills to achieve a good business and financial turn over and then invest it and save it for a better life in future.

This is the key to become wealthy and healthy and enjoying life, you need to make a cycle of money making and then this can help you achieve success and happiness.

China on Fire 2022

 China as an economic partner of communism block during last decade run thousands of economic invasion against free world economies and used multiple strategies to penetrate through different markets from Dumping to the economical espionage and copying industrial designs without paying attention to the patents and copyright laws.

During COVID19 pandemic, Chinese industries faced big challenges and big damages, the thing that fully paralyzed Chinese supply chain and for keeping the power, China needed a military aspects. The thing that became a start point for the threatening Taiwan to the military conflict.

And Now, in August 2022, China is on Fire if they want to started a war against Taiwan. The big risky furious war that can end with the ending of all economical, political and military infrastructures of China in one night.

Shocking fact about Hollywood and economic recession that will change your life

 One of the greatest and powerful entertainment industries in the world is Hollywood that by COVID19 pandemic faced big challenges.

US Biggest entertainment industry now is facing another big challenge called, Economic recession.

Statistics shows that this is a shocking fact about Hollywood and economic recession that will change your life, That in a new world we will face reality and movies and animations will have less impacts on our life. 

Meta verse as a solution tries to simulate the world of animation, but there is a big challenge in graphic and quality and connection millions of users with each other.

It seems that golden period of Movie theater and shows is near ending and new technologies and platforms will replace with movies only because of economic recession and the reason budgets are decreasing.