France economic recession and challenges with energy resources

 France, known as a political and economical power in the Europe is facing a big challenge with energy resources.

Russia's policy for using Oil and Gas as a political leverage for controlling the European responses to the military invasion of Taiwan was a start point for continues challenge for French people.

Banning wheat exports also threaten the Frances food industries and food prices flies in the French market. European challenge with Russia to decrease the economical and political penetration of Kremlin through economical infrastructures made financial problems.

Global economic recession also impacts Paris and now this is a big challenge for France.

Short note about Putin's dream costs for making Soviet Union alive again for 2022

Putin's dream for making Soviet Union alive again, made him starting a military invasion of Ukraine by February 2022. The thing that costs very expensive to Russia.

Russian people paid this dream by the inflation rate that hit 200%, By the economic recession, By exit of entrepreneurs and businesses, by replacing qualified products with Chinese products, By internet censorship, Fake news and Ordered economy.

Russian paid this dream by loosing global market and banning access to the SWIFT.

The biggest capital flight happened and now, Russia's economic collapse countdown started. the thing that is a big challenge for Kremlin to control the condition in short term. The thing that result Russia China economic ally for introducing a new currency against US Dollar in short term.

All of these become the price for achieving a geographical zone without friendship with the world. 

Turkey Syria military conflict: advantages and disadvantages

 Turkey is programming for starting a military invasion against Syria to control this country. This military conflict have costs, benefits and disadvantages that we will have a short review about it.

Turkey said, They are looking for a place for returning Syrian immigrants to their home and know it as a policy for controlling immigration.

This military conflict is against Russia's policy in middle east and made Syria Oil and gas resources available for Turkey and then Europe, The thing that will damage Russia's energy market in mid term and long term.

This will decease communism block penetration through middle east and its a defensive layer against Iranian military threaten against Israel.

This will be a positive point for making Turkey a political and economical power in the middle east and will remove Saudi Arabia from energy market. 

In the next step Saudi Arabia energy market will be threaten by China US military conflict.

All of these will made New Order world for controlling world better.

Lana Rhoades: Wrong Decision, Good Decision

 Lana Rhoades known as an American actor who was Trended on the Unethical adult platforms experienced lots of things on this way and then retired for 2017.

She got 1.4 Billion view and about 16 million subscriber on one of these platforms. but financial records shows that these platforms achieved 7 Billion Dollar and Lana share was about 21 million Dollar!

The thing that known as a most worst economic decision someone can make in her life. But One day we all will change, Lana Rhoades waked up and tries to make a change in the world.

She exited from unethical industries from 2017 and this was a start point for Lana to stand against Unethical platforms. 

She started to inform social community about the dangers, Risks and problems of enjoying these unethical platforms. 

She inform lots of people in her podcasts and shows and now she is standing against this industry and platforms who plays with the people and earn billions of Dollar during these years.

This is the start point for the people to change and to accept the change.

Secrets about Lana Rhoades Wrong economic decisions that will change your life and blow your mind.

 Lana Rhoades Known as an American actor who played unethical videos for +18 platforms is one of 2022 Top trend actors in these platform with Mind Blowing statistics about 1.4 Billion view and 1.7 million subscriber only for one panel.

But there is a big secret about her job, That will blow economists mind when watching their financial records and reports.

She made over 1.4 billion view in only one platform ( We imagine she only shared it in one platform! ). by the Average Duration of 8 minutes, We achieved that she had made about 11.2 billion minutes Videos watched by people's all around the world.

1.4 (Video View) * 8 (Min: Average Duration) = 11.2 Billion minutes

11.2 Billion Minutes / 60 Minute = 186666666 Hours

186666666/ (24h *365) = 21308 Years Video watch Time made by Lana Rhodes During her professional work in unethical movie companies and platforms.

Her Networth based on the multiple financial records estimated about 24 million Dollar.

The thing that based one the average income estimation showed that Lana Roads Did the wrong economic decision, The secret about the Lana's wrong economic decisions that will change your life and blow your mind, is that based on the Average salary for YouTube, She can made more by YouTube system.

1.400.000.000 Total View / 1000 (view) = 1.400.000 unit

1.400.000 * 5000 (US Dollar pay for 1000 view "Average Salary) = US Dollar

It seems that Lana Rhoades lost lots of money by joining the wrong platforms and She should use economic consultant for doing business and making money.

Out of ethical values, Her wrong economic decisions and Health risks in these industries, She had a big lost on commercial aspects.

lana rhoades instagram also have about 16.6 million subscribers that can be a money making machine for her, but She still tries to make more videos, on wrong platform. The thing that is a wrong strategy for making money online.

Today, Economic analysis helped big brands and entrepreneurs and big influencers to achieve more success by true investment.

5 Reasons You Can Blame the Recession on Russia Economy

 2022, Was a year full of global challenge for every countries and every political group all around the world. Multiple COVID19 lock down and challenges with China's policy against Global community.

Global economic recession become one of the reason people all around the world experienced Food inflation rate and economic problems. Here is 13 reasons you can blame the recession of Russia economy.

NO.1: Russia's invasion of Ukraine by February 2022

Kremlin's dream for making Soviet Union alive again was a start point for Russia's invasion of Ukraine that made a big geopolitics change in the Europe economic and military structures. Russia used all political and economical leverage to control the condition in short term.

NO.2: Russia's oil and gas sanctions against European countries.

Global response to the war crimes in Ukraine was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy. in response, Russia used oil and gas market as a political leverage to control the condition and stop NATO ally growth in Europe in short term.

NO.3: Russia's policy for banning wheat exports from Ukraine Sea terminals.

Russia used food and Ukrainian Sea terminals as a political leverage for food terrorism and using it to control the global responses against Russia's war in Ukraine. The thing that made food price flies and in short term destroy chain of supply.

NO4: Russia's Atomic threaten against United Kingdom.

During the primary season of Russia's war against Ukraine, United Kingdom support Ukraine with high tech short range missiles against Russia's tank and military forces, the thing that made Russia's military in a heavy damage in short term. This become a big challenge for Russia, so Kremlin used Poseidon Nuclear missile as a political and military threaten against UK Governments for stopping them from supporting more. This made an emergency condition that in short term forced the people to save the food and necessary goods that result increasing the prices and economic recession.

NO5: Russia's military threaten against Sweden and Finland.

Russia's policy for stopping NATO Ally growth in Europe was a military threaten against Sweden and Finland. the thing that forced them to decrease the speed of political change and in short term changing the strategies that cost expensive for Governments. This was a start point for increasing the prices for European countries and as a result: Economic recession.


Russian Startups challenge with Economic recession for 2022

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine by February 2022, was a start point for the biggest capital flight in the Russia, Russian oligarch left Kremlin alone and inflation rate hit 200% in short term.

Global community response to this military invasion was heavy sanctions that paralyzed Russia's economy. Money and banking system banned from accessing SWIFT. Big brands and entrepreneurs exited from Russia and this was a big challenge for Russian Startups.

Russian startups challenge with global economic recession for 2022, was full of problems and chaos that forced them changing their strategies. Moscow's policy for controlling social dissatisfaction was using internet censorship, fake news and ordered economy model.

The thing that forced entrepreneurs left their startup ideas and doing local business. Internet censorship was a heavy strike to the Russia's online business that destroy their position in the global ranking.

Don't Waste Time! 5 Facts Until You Reach Your Startup

 Starting a business and growing an idea to a money making business is a dream that make everyone motivate for starting an startup. but there are big myths and believes you should know it before start developing your idea as a business.

Number 1: You will face Financial problems! 

Starting a startup need money and financial supports from a team or an investors. Loans from Banks are dangerous things that threaten your capital and your mental health during doing your business. So before starting a startup, calculate and trust available financial resource that can help you grow and only program your startup for them, if the result is good, OK Continue! 

Number 2: You will face Bad People, Competitors and Industrial espionage! 

Doing a business and making money is a great dream, but you should know that there is no red carpet and you are entering to the economical war with the competitors, with previous business and with wealthy people that do the business differently, So they may make problems, Start an unhealthy competition or some time doing Industrial espionage from your patents, job, work or model. 

Number 3: You will face Governments, Regulators, laws, Tax and documents

You want to start your business and make money, It's food, but you will face big challenge called, GOVERNMENTS! If you want to do your business, you will need to have a lawyer as a consultant and some profession near you to negotiate for you with regulators, monitoring systems, laws, paying taxes and completing long documents and then, one day you become wealthy, then some people will complain and you need to have a strategy! 

Number 4:  You need to be a warrior not an entrepreneur! 

For having a powerful startup, you need to be a warrior not be an entrepreneur.

You should start fight with yourself, with negative messages, with negative comments, with negative minds. This is the routine you may visit them 2 or 5 times a day.

Number 5:  Always improve your way, like a Formula one Driver! 

Starting a new business based on the new idea is like driving a formula one Super car! You need to improve yourself and your team every minute, every hours, every day. This is a big risk for you that if you delay the process of improvement based on statistics, financial records and financial reports, profession consultant, you will failed very bad, so Improve your way second by second under monitoring of professions.

Apply These 3 Secret Techniques To Improve Startup

 Today, world is experiencing new ideas and businesses under covers of 1000 startups all around the world, but the challenge is that there are millions of unsuccessful ideas and startups in other side that no one is talking about them.

But how to improve our startup by simple techniques ?


Number one: Professional consultant

You need an experienced profession in your startup, because experiencing is very expensive. so a profession will help you to achieve more success with less payment. The thing that in long term will result more profit for the company and startup shareholders. 


Number Two:  Using professional teammate

Using professional teammate is little expensive in the first period of starting an startup, but the costs of amateur for a company is ultra expensive in long term. 

Number Three: have a failed Roadmap

Always entrepreneurs look positively to everything aspects of Business, but there is a big challenge for the entrepreneurs to have failed roadmap, when the idea stolen, or damaged or compete with other ideas and failed, A failed roadmap will help you exit with less payment.


 Thank you for reading, please comment us your opinion and share your experience from Contact form of the blog to share it with others.

US Angel investors strategies during economic recession

 United States economic recession known as a big financial problems for investors, entrepreneurs and startups and the problem is a threaten against Crowd funding and new ideas to become a real business.

Federal reserve as an economical regulatory in US control the inflation by changing multiple economic index in Money and banking system. The thing that will force the market to change the strategies and also investors will change their strategies.

US market is under heaviest political and economical attack of China and Russia.

The thing that is a big threaten for the future of US economy. 

During the COVID19 lock down and economic recession for 2022, there is a big challenge for angel investors : How to invest in the safe mode and like an angel investor ? 

Answering to this question needed professional consultant and the process of evaluating new ideas and startups now take time for these investors.

Economic recession have 2 side effect on the angel investors. first of all they will concentrate on a unique niche and decreasing the number of investors.

For some others, its better to loose the cap in a good way not in markets such as  Crypto or Stocks .

These angel investors usually concentrate on the low risks projects and tries to enter to them for achieving more money in less time and also less profit to keep the value of the money in a stable mode. 

Facts about Israel startups that will shock you

Israel is famous because of it's startups culture and known as a startups city or nation. the thing that made this country wealthy and full of high tech ideas, technologies and businesses.

Israel's money and banking system fully adopted to the Entrepreneurship culture and over 6500 startups are activate in Israel.

Today big brands and big companies opened R&D branches in Israel that made Israel a wealthy healthy country with lots of high tech industries in all sectors from medical to the telecommunication technologies.

It seems that social adaptation to invest and develop new businesses become a big culture that helped Israel achieved high GDP per capita and achieving a high qualified life.

Startups in Israel very easily find financial solution, professional consultant services and the best qualified shared technologies to develop their business. the thing that made Israel, heaven of entrepreneurs and startups.

Turkey Syria military conflict for August 2022

 Turkey program for creating a safe border in Syria and controlling the immigrants problem in Turkey made this country start a military conflict against Syria.

The thing that is a big threaten for Russia's existence in the middle east. The thing that will be a safe border for Israel and separation between Iran Israel that control the middle east against war.

Turkey Syria military conflict countdown started and now there is a big challenge for Russia in the middle east. Economists recognize this as a big threaten for Russia's power and political penetration rate through the Energy market.

It seems that communism block is loosing middle east step by step.

Facts about British American Tobacco Exit from Russia that will Blow your mind

 British American Tobacco corporation that produce Tobacco related products and smoking in Russia, faced a big challenge by Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. 

Global community response to this war crime in Ukraine was heavy sanctions against Russia's economic infrastructures and money and banking system.

The thing that paralyzed Russia's economy in short term. but there are hidden facts about British American Tobacco exit from Russia that will blow your mind.

By decreasing investment and exiting from Russia's market, there is no qualified brand to replace with this smoking brand and Entering China's brand with a new formula take time to find the details and needs of Russia's customers. 

This is a big challenge that with products with less quality they are facing big challenge. They can not achieved high standards and this is a big challenge for long term users of smoking products in Russia.