Energy market revolution by Russia's sanctions in 2022

 Russia's invasion of Ukraine by 2022 become a big challenge for the European countries, but economists recognize it as a start point for the energy market and energy technology industries revolution for 2022.

Russia's oil and gas sanctions against European countries become a big threaten against all sectors that the only solution for continuing with industries is to change the energy technology and resources.

Economists know that as a revolutionary point for European technology companies that achieved by Russia's energy sanctions against Europe industries.

This will be a threaten, a big one for Russia's oil and gas industries.

California economy on FIre 2022

 California as one of the pioneer states in GDP index and number of industries, and economic statistics in 2022, now faced a big challenge with fire and COVID19 pandemic that fully is a big threaten for industries and economic activist in this states.

Economists predict that this can become a big challenge for the future of California and United States of America in the future.The thing that is a big challenge for the future of global position of US in economic ranking of 2023.

Crypto market response to Taiwan China military conflict 2022

 Crypto market as one of the pioneer exciting market for investing during last 4 years, now face a big challenge from governmental sides, exchange corporations and big challenge with the China Taiwan military conflict in the future. 

The thing that is a big challenge for the future of investors in this sectors and soon Central bank of countries in association with Tax laws will stand against this under encryption market to control the money and ban anti sanctions and criminal purposed financial transaction through this network.

By the way, China Taiwan military conflict is a big threaten against the Crypto network and may damage this networks and make them a big security risks for security and safety of internet globally.  

This is a big challenge for the future of investors and make this sector risky for next 6 years

US Drones industry power to kill the Al-Qaeda leader: Ayman Al-Zawahri

 US Drones industries, are one of the most powerful economic and technological sectors of US industries that today shock the world by revealing this trending news about killing Al-Qaeda leader : Ayman Al-Zawaheri.

The news that shows that investing in US Military corporations is still a big exciting sector that will be profitable for investors. 

This is a key point for the future of US Economy and military industries that Al-Qaeda leader killed by A genius missile by US Drones.

Pelosi, Taiwan and the World War 3

 Nancy Pelosi, American politics woman who was a start point for the political conflict between US decided to travel to Taiwan in July, the thing that was a big threaten and fire in East Asia.

China make all military units ready and used missile as a furious message to the United States politician that they will not tolerate any change and any political or military movement in the east Asia. 

Taiwan as a partner of free world economies now is in danger of China military invasion and this is the thing that is a big threaten for global security, safety and freedom.

The thing that known as a symptoms of World War 3 and the end days of human on the earth.

Oracle big economic challenge with US economic recession

 Oracle is one of the pioneer corporations in the United States of America that handle the biggest data software in the world.

This big corporation now face big challenge with economic recession, COVID19 pandemic and the big problems that will threaten this company.

This is a big challenge for the CEO and employee of this company to how to continue with this high tech industry that today face customer decrease in the market because of pandemic, sanctions and other problems. 

Economic recession! A big threaten for daily life in America!

 United State is facing a big challenge with the global economy.

Russia's invasion of Ukraine was a big point in global economy and now Russia China economic ally is a big threaten against US Dollar power in the global community.

Federal reserve decisions and money and banking system is in a big threaten that Crypto market also threaten it in long term.

It seems that American citizen should make themselves ready for a long term economic recession and living with daily inflation and food price increasing! 

LGBTQ: An expensive freedom for governments and countries economy

LGBTQ societies costs very expensive for the government and country's economies.

Because they are facing big Psychological problems and under risky STI and STD diseases that curing them some time costs millions and billions of dollar every year for the countries.

They are capable of making pandemic such as MonkeyPox virus that is a big threaten for social security and this is a big challenge for WHO and other healthcare organization to control these pandemic during societies.

This is a big challenge that this freedom and supporting it by governments will be a big challenge because of costs, time and medical challenge they made in the health system

Europe solution against Russia's energy sanctions : Green Economy

 Hi every one. 

Today we are facing big challenge about the Russia's invasion of Ukraine and new pandemics such as COVID19 and MonkeyPox virus.

This is a very big challenge that threaten global economy and newest sanctions against Europe by Russia become a big challenge for supplying energy and gas for the winter.

The thing that can make a big challenge in long term. But Europe solution against Russia's energy sanction can become a big revolution in energy resources and type of technologies.

Europe can use Green Economy and cycled economy to stand against Russia's sanctions in long term. the thing that will make Europe more powerful than before.

Hot Temperature will change the face of US Economy

 Hello everyone. 

Today's news shows that climate change and global warming become the primary tittle of all news all around the world.

Nature is changing by human and this is a big challenge for living on the earth.

But hot temperature become a big natural threaten against US states and soon it will impacts on the US economy.

It seems that people should accept energy and industrial revolution and shifting to the green economy for solving climate change.

Global Economy and Immigration

A powerful economy rely on different factors, but usually immigrants provide a good, low cost worker for developed countries industries and this is a big human resource for industrial cultures.

But usually using immigrant have challenge such as the long term prices and when they become citizen, the problems and costs of life should pay by a society that used them and this is a big challenge that today, faced big industrial countries with it. 

Pharmcautical industries with AntiViral product, Amazing investment opportunity for next 4 years

 Hello Everyone,

I found that WHO made MonkeyPox virus as an emergency warning for the social pandemic. This is a shocking news that really will impacts markets and investors.

But it is a good opportunity for long term investment on the corporations that worked on the Anti Viral agents and have FDA approved license. This is a big opportunity that future Virus pandemic can make them ultra wealthy in the market and healthcare prices will be under their controls.

YouTube top ranked video about MonkeyPox virus that will really give you good information about MonkeyPox Virus.

 MonkeyPox virus is another pandemic that threaten social health and security and directly target the people's life.

This is the top ranked video about MonkeyPox virus that will really give you good information about MonkeyPox virus.

Thank you, please share me your comments and opinion about this video I found on the YouTube, What is your suggestion ?