How China threaten the world's economic security?

 China economic policy for decades was on the economic growth and penetrating through different country's economical system by strategies like Dumping, Copying industrial design, Industrial espionage and accessing millions of Patents and copyright.

China now become wealthy and powerful with series of military technologies copied from high tech countries. China's next movement for the growth was shifting to the military power, but there was a big challenge, Trump's policy to exit US Corporations from China, COVID19 pandemic and Zero COVID policy that lock down cities, corporations and China's economy.

For this purpose China communism party decided to start a food terrorism and cut the chains of supply. They saved food for more than 3 years and this become a reason for increasing the prices of foods all around the world. 

China's next movement was programming for controlling east Asia politically and economically, A big threaten against partner of free world economies like Japan and Taiwan. 

Chain of China policies during last decades shows that all economical activity and political movement through these years was for a destructive purpose to become leader and economic power in the world.

The thing that is a threaten against world's economic security and safety.

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