BMW corporation under political pressure of Russia's energy sanctions

 BMW Corporation, known as a high qualified Sedan producer with qualified materials and sport engines during 2022, faced a big challenge. This challenge comes from Russia's sanctions against European countries and closing Gas and Oil terminals to Europe. 

For a long time BMW engineers concentrated on developing engines with more horsepower and making BMW models with a qualified handling. But Russia's policy for controlling Europe by closing energy terminals has become a big challenge for BMW, Mercedes and other car producers corporations. 
This war made BMW brands development roadmap accelerating on developing Hybrid and electric cars. The thing is that in the short term it will become a big challenge for European countries and car industries, but long term, this will become a big challenge for Russia to handle the auto technologies based on the petrol and gas that has no customers.
This political game on the energy resources will become a big challenge for Russia in future to use, develop and communicate with European high tech electric cars.
BMW policy for handling this problem is to introduce the "i" series that has electric engines and Hybrid technologies.
BMW I8 became the primary pioneer leader of this market that really became viral in the Auto markets.
But the challenge is that Auto industries energy resources are based on Gas and petrol. This is a revolutionary point for the BMW CEOs and founders to manage this issue.

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