Which is better Ferrari or Lamborghini in 2022? Short one minute answer

 Buying a car needs to answer lots of questions from identity, personality, budget, philosophy, the geographical place of using the car and lots of other things.

Today there is 2 Italian luxury super sport brand in the market that compete with each other and make a big challenge for the customers to buy !  

There are some key differences that are pronounced from each maker. Ferrari offers a long heritage of racing history and a certain nostalgia and prestige that many drivers want. Lamborghini provides more power and innovation, setting itself apart as a car maker that grabs your interest and doesn't let go.

But as General, If you are looking for less complexity and more exciting, you need to look at the Lamborghini, but if you are looking for a prestige and absolutely a high tech car that will make you unique, The Ferrari is the only answer you need to find.

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